Publication Ethics
Misconduct : JJECI uses the definitions and follows the guidelines outlined in COPE Guidelines on Good Publication Practice. As outlined in this document, we define Misconduct as an intention to cause others to regard as true that which is not true. This may be intentional or unintentional. Editors are ethically obliged to take all instances of misconduct seriously and respond with best practices and the aims of the journal in mind. When investigating instances of misconduct, editors shall consider the intention of the author as well as the act itself. In the case of serious misconduct, it may be necessary to alert the employer of the author and pass on any relevant
Editorial Board:
Authors and Authors responsibilities: The author must provide a detailed cover letter including a declaration that the work has not been published elsewhere. It is the author’s sole responsibility that articles published from institutions have necessary approvals if needed. Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not previously been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (except patent disclosure(s) of the author(s)). Authors who want to publish in JJECI must comply with the rules that can be consulted online at: In addition, you have to make the following ethical commitments:
Originality and plagiarism: The authors assure that the manuscripts they send to the journal are unpublished and original, such as and as specified in the section on rules for authors, and will expressly notify the issue of the magazine of any circumstance related to this matter.
Multiplicity of publication: Authors should not publish manuscripts that essentially describe the same research in more than one journal. Sending the same article to more than one journal at the same time is an unethical practice.
Recognition of sources: The use of work done by other people should always be acknowledged and cited in a correct and detailed manner.
Authorship of the manuscript: Authorship should be limited to those individuals who have made significant contributions to the manuscript. The person submitting the manuscript will be responsible for ensuring that all the authors of the text appear in the manuscript as well as that they have approved the version that refers to the journal.
Acknowledgment and conflict of interest: If the manuscript that is presented is part of funded research, said financing is in the appropriate sections.
Ethical Standards: JJICE adheres to the principles of transparency and best ethical practices in scholarly publishing as recommended by the international committees like COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME.
Plagiarism: JJECI has strict policies against plagiarism. During the submission, authors require to state that their work is not a copy of another published work and their article is not submitted elsewhere (in full or in part). JJECI cross-checks every submission for plagiarism misconduct. Any submission containing partially/completely plagiarized content is rejected immediately.
Attribution Practice: Citations must be attributed to previously published content. If the authors have used content from any previously published work and fail to provide credit to original source then it will be considered as technical plagiarism and the manuscript might be rejected or retracted.
Conflicts of Interest: JJECI conducts a double-blind peer review process to avoid conflicts. The authors should hold responsibility for disclosing any conflicts of interest during article submission to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.
Confidentiality Protection: JJECI undertakes multiple measures to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of the authors’ work. Editors, peer reviewers, and journal staff are required to maintain the confidentiality of authors’ work. It is ethically not acceptable to use or disseminate unpublished work.
Human and Animal Rights: All articles published with JJECI must adhere to high ethical standards concerning human volunteers and animal welfare. For animal models and human volunteers, ethical clearance letters and documents are required, if applicable.
Consents/Instances: Authors require obtaining consent for publication from all contributors and participants of the work. Authors must submit clear statements regarding consents with original signatures while submitting their work.
Professional Conduct: Editors, Reviewers, Authors, and the journal staff are expected to adhere to basic professional courtesy.
Peer-review process: All manuscripts submitted to (JJECI) are subject to a double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument. JJECI is committed to the highest standards of peer review. Upon receipt of the manuscript, the corresponding author is notified and will receive the number under which the manuscript has been registered, as well as the name and e-mail address of the scientific editor who will handle it. From this point onwards, authors should communicate with the editor-in-chief only about the progress of the reviewing process. Manuscripts can be accepted, with minor or major revision, or rejected. Upon final acceptance, the authors provide a final version of the manuscript inappropriate file formats. The authors will then be notified when the paper will be published. A detailed illustration on how the journal’s reviewing and publication system works can also be found on the journal’s website (
Open access policy : All research articles published in the Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical industries (JJECI) are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download, and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited. The license used for OA articles in JJECI subscription journals is CC BY 4.0. This information is available online at
Archiving: Our self-archiving policies and in accordance with the established copyright policy facilitate that authors can potentially dispose of all versions of the work without assignments to this journal. This information is available online at:
Ownership and management: (JJECI) is an open-access journal issued by the Scientific Research Fund, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Amman, Jordan. JJECI is published and owned by the Deanship of Research, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan.
Publishing schedule: (JJECI) has three issues per year, each with changing thematic priorities, all within the scope of the journal. The issues are published in a 3-month rhythm
Name of the journal: The journal’s name “Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industrie” is a unique one. Furthermore, the journal’s name indicates clearly, what the journal is about. It does not mislead about its origin and affiliation.
The website: The journal’s website ( is freely accessible. It is regularly and carefully administered by the journal’s team.
Author fees: Access to the articles published in JJECI are available online free of charge. No other charges that are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in JJECI.